July 9th, 2022 - Streaming To The Comfort Of Your Own Home! 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM

For anyone who wants to cash in on the modern day gold rush and package their knowledge & expertise up in a way that has their neighbors wondering what they do for a living!
In One Day, Get The Closely-Guarded System Every Day People Are Using RIGHT NOW To Turn Their Knowledge & Expertise Into Million Dollar Empires!

Secure Your Spot Now For $0 Down TODAY!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Join Us Virtually

July 9th, 2022, Saturday, 9:00 AM

From Marquel Russell

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Future Millionaire Expert,

If you’re reading this right now… 

I already know ONE thing about you… 

You have knowledge and expertise in your head RIGHT NOW…

…that could be turned into a premium program that brings in more money each month than most Americans make in a year! 

How can I be so confident about that, even though we’ve never met? 

Because right now…

Thousands of everyday people are using a simple 3-step system to…

Take information they have locked inside their heads after years of working a job… being an expert coach, consultant, or freelancer… having a hobby or passion… or even just general life experience…

…and package it up, then charge PREMIUM prices for it!

How Ernest Made $1 Million In Only 6 Months

How Tammi & Sheldon Made $1.6 Million 

How 14-Year Old Christon Started Having 6-Figure Months

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
And more importantly…

They’re doing it without needing to learn how to build a complicated business that takes up more time than their current 9 to 5. 

They’re spending as little as a few hours each week: 
  • Writing a few social media posts…
  • Hearing their notifications *ping* as their calendar fills up every week with potential clients… 
  • Then taking calls where those potential clients end up breathlessly searching for their credit cards to buy… 
And, as a result…

These “NEW experts” watch their income climb…

Almost like they’re getting a “promotion” every month!

Using the system I’m about to reveal to you… 

All their fears, worries, and desperation disappear… 

As they realize that – for the first time…

Maybe ever…

They can finally take care of their loved ones like they WANT to, instead of how their paycheck will allow them to… 

They can future proof their income, so no matter what the economy does, they’ll always be safe… 

And they can ENJOY life like God intended them to!

And if you give me a few minutes of your time and read this page fully?

I’ll explain HOW they’re doing it…

AND how YOU can discover the same shortcut!

Hey, My Name’s Marquel Russell…
And on this page, I’m going to share what I believe to be one of the BEST systems for building a million dollar empire. 

Without needing to have ANY previous online business skills. 

It’s something I’ve been following and teaching others for the last 10 years. 

So I could build a business that gives me and my family a lifestyle that’s usually reserved for A-List entertainers and professional athletes. 

The kind of lifestyle most black Americans like us only ever dream about! 

And since then…

It’s something I’ve given to my clients that has helped them collectively…

Generate Over $1 Billion In Revenue!

So what is this “system”? 

It’s a simple 3-step process that ANYONE can use to package up their knowledge & expertise and turn it into a full-time income while working LESS than part time.

And because this system is so easy to follow…

It’ll Only Take A Single Day For 
Me To Teach It To You

Until recently… 

We’ve only given this system to our high-level clients who pay upwards of $10,000 for access.

And yet today…

You’re going to have the chance (until we run out of seats) to get your hands on it for a fraction of the price.

Like I said… 

My name is Marquel Russell… 

And even though I've been called, "The Great Marketing Genius Of Our Time"...

The "King of Client Attraction"...

"Your Favorite Entrepreneur's Favorite Entrepreneur"...

I'm really just…

A Regular Guy From Atlanta Who Dropped Out Of High School In 10th Grade & Went Full-Time Selling Drugs In The Streets 

I grew up in a drug-infested environment. 

The first part of my life (up until 3rd grade), I lived with my aunt who was strung out on drugs. 

Then a few years later, I moved to Atlanta to live with my real mom…

Where I was introduced to the “other side” of the streets. 

My mom, my grandfather, & my cousins were all in the game selling drugs.

And if I’m honest? 

They made REALLY good money doing it. 

I don’t say this because I’m proud of it… 

I just want you to understand that when Drake said, “started from the bottom now we here”...

For me? 

That was the truth. 

I stayed in that environment until I was 19 years old.

But then things took a turn…

“I’m pregnant…”

My first son was on the way… 

When I got that news, I was making good money dealing drugs…

But I knew how hard it had been never knowing my father.

So I sat for a long time and thought about WHO I wanted to be.
Did I want to be someone who couldn’t provide for his family and was never around? 

Or did I want to be someone who SHOWED UP as the best version of themselves? 

God had given me more than one chance already…

And so far? 

I’d thrown those chances away. 

So I put a stop to it all (...kinda).

A friend of mine got me a job changing oil and tires at a truck stop in Atlanta. 

It wasn’t a bad job really…

But one day, I was checking the price list at the company…

And I noticed the bosses made $300 off of my work…

Yet they only paid me $8.50 per hour! 

I thought to myself…

“ Where I’m From, That’s Called Pimpin’! ”

I realized I was never gonna make the kind of money I wanted like this. 

So I went straight back to what I knew best at the time…

The streets.

But this time, it was different…

Because I only wanted to make enough money to start up an entertainment company. 

I did that for several years and loved every minute of it.

But then something happened…

I was introduced to a group of people who were making millions of dollars…
Building their own empires… 

And somehow working LESS than I was at the time…

…even though I was making a fraction of the income that they were! 

That’s when I realized something…

It wasn’t my goals that were flawed. 

I just chose the wrong METHODS to get there. 

Dealing drugs made me money…

Having a job made me money…

Owning an entertainment company made me money…

But they could never get me where I wanted to be because in all those situations…  

I Was Too Busy Making A 
Living To Make Any REAL Money

And this is the problem nowadays… 

That’s the same situation most people are in. 

Because they’re told to follow THIS path: 

And the lifestyle this method leads to won’t ever give anyone the life they want.

Because VERY FEW people are happy working until they’re 65 years old with barely enough money in their bank to cover their retirement. 

Life on this path ends up being so restricted it’s barely worth calling it a LIFE-style.

Most of the time?

It looks more like surviving.

Because people who follow this path live on HOPE.

They HOPE to have enough money each year to book a single 2-week vacation…

They HOPE they can afford to upgrade their car every 3 years…

They HOPE that they’ll win the lottery or land a promotion at work…

I’m not saying any of this to point fingers.

I honestly HATE to see it.

And it’s a big part of why I do what I do now.  

Because in this day and age? 

With so many opportunities around us…

NOBODY needs to live like that!

Take the expert industry as an example – the industry I’m in, our clients are in, and hopefully the industry you’ll join too? (if you’re not already involved)...

It’s On Track To Be A $325 BILLION-Dollar Pie…

And anyone with an internet connection can cut as big of a slice as they’d like.

How Shana Made $8,000 In Only Two Weeks

How Dr. Jasmine Was Able To Make $30k In 30 Days & 6-Figures In 6 Months (while only working her business a few hours per day)

How Mevonnie Was Able To Quit Her Job As A Music Teacher & Grow Her Business Beyond 6-Figures

(**) These results are not typical or guaranteed. Just anecdotes from our clients! :-)
Because no matter who you are…

No matter where you come from…

And no matter what kind of experience you have…

To grab your piece of the pie, all you actually need is:

A Proven System To Take What You ALREADY Know & Package It Up In A Way That Makes It Worth PREMIUM Prices
Think about it like this: 

Whether you agree with colleges and universities or not… 

The reason they can charge the kind of money they do is because they have this principle down to a T. 

They pull knowledge out of professors’ heads… 

Put it into a textbook and a 4-year long “program”…

Then charge students $100,000+ to get access to it. 

But you don’t HAVE to be a professor to do the same thing. 


Maybe you’ll never be able to charge $100,000+ for the knowledge you have (not saying it’s not possible – just less likely). 

But with the right tools and systems? 

ANYONE can pull out the knowledge that they’ve collected over the last 5, 10, or 20 years… 

And package it into something that thousands, maybe even millions of people are HAPPY to pay premium prices for!

    Here’s a few examples of students who’ve done exactly what I’m talking about:

    How Lorillia Made $13,500 In Just 2 Weeks

    How Christy Has Able To Make $150k In Just A Few Months While Working From The Bahamas

    How Marcus Started Having 6-Figure Months

    (**) These results are not typical or guaranteed. Just anecdotes from our clients! :-)

    The Problem Is, Most People 
    Don’t Have A System To Do This 

    So they end up following some online guru who tells them they need to “funnel hack” other entrepreneurs…

    Or “create an ascension model of $7 → $47 → $97 → $297 → $497 → $997…” 

    But by the time they’ve created all that stuff? 

    Then learned…
    • How to write sales pages that make their offer sound irresistible
    • How to write ads… then how to run them profitably
    • How to find people who will actually pay them
    • ​And so on…
    …They’re either fed up with not seeing any money for all their hard work… 

    Or they’re broke from all the courses and content they’ve had to consume just to take one small step forward at a time. 

    I was drug down that road myself at the start. 

    So instead of watching you go down it too…

    I Want To Give You MY System So You Can Take 
    A Giant Leap Forward In ONE Day!
    I’m handing over my entire system that our previous $10k+ clients have used to take what they already know and turn it into something they can charge premium prices for…

    And I’m doing it in ONE day! 

    So that you don’t have to waste months or years chasing your tail…

    And you don’t have to waste thousands of dollars on gurus who tell you to sell $10 ebooks and $97 courses…

    Then HOPE you can find 1000’s of customers each month. 


    I’m gonna give you all the tools I’ve given to my previous high-level clients… 

    So they could charge premium prices up front… 

    …for stuff that’s already inside their head right now!

    That way, having the dream lifestyle other people live on Instagram is finally possible!

    Take me as an example…

    I’ve used this exact system to build my own 7-figure business. And at the time of writing this…

    I just got back from a week-long vacation to Cancun with my family.

    And while:
    • Zip-lining in the Riviera Maya
    • Riding ATVs through the Mayan jungle
    • Learning about Mayan culture during our tour through the Tulum Ruins
    • ​Eating authentic street tacos
    • ​Riding golf-carts around Isla Mujeres (an island in Mexico)
    • ​Sipping out of fresh coconuts
    • ​And other shenanigans that create lifelong memories with my family…
    I was able to make more money THAT WEEK than I used to make in a YEAR!

    …And I did it without opening my laptop.

    The business ran like a machine while I was 2,553 miles away with a choppy Wifi signal.

    All thanks to me doing exactly what I’m talking about here!

    I took knowledge I already had & packaged it up for people who wanted it!

    And I’m not a special case here. 

    There are THOUSANDS of other people out there doing the exact. same. thing. 

    Some make more than I do…

    Some make less. 

    But the point is: 

    ALL OF THEM are living…

    The “New Rich” Life

    I don’t know if you’ve read Tim Ferris’s book the “Four Hour Workweek”? 

    But inside that book he talks about a group of people called “the new rich”. 

    They don’t see $1,000,000 in cash when they check their bank balance at an ATM…

    And they don’t have their own private jets or yachts.

    The new rich just have the freedom to live anywhere they want… 

    Do anything they want…

    And make as much money as they possibly can each month using nothing but a phone and a laptop.

    THAT is what I want you to have too!

    I want you to be able to send your kids to whatever college they want to go to…

    I want you to be able to pay off your student loans or mortgage in 2 years instead of 20… 

    I want you to be able to take a luxury vacation once every quarter instead of once every few years. 

    In short… 

    I want you to join the new rich TODAY, by following what I call…

    The Millionaire Expert Way

    Take a good look at this little path here…

    Because if you’ve lived through the last 10 years…

    And you’ve either had a job, a hobby, or just general life experience… 

    Then you’ve ALREADY got valuable knowledge & expertise in an area of life that other people would PAY to get access to! 

    Which means…

    You’ve ALREADY taken the most difficult step towards having premium paychecks made into your bank account by happy clients!

    The steps after that one? 

    That’s what I want to share with you in ONE DAY at…

    How Coaches, Consultants, And Experts Are Turning Their Knowledge And Expertise Into Premium Monthly Paychecks

    At this exclusive one day event, I want to walk you step by step by step through taking what you already know…

    And packaging it up so that you can serve thousands…

    Maybe even millions of people. 

    …And charge premium prices for every single person you help!

    Instead of going through endless modules in outdated courses that only cover one tactic…

    Like ads, or sales, or emails, or pricing...

    And instead of going through 5 or 10-day challenges where the CORE content is diluted and long winded...

    I want to give you MORE practical breakthroughs than most "$1,000 courses"...

    And FASTER than anything else out there!

    Give Us ONE MORNING And And Walk Away With The Full
    Blueprint Of A 7-Figure Client Attraction System

    • "YES! I'm ready to Remove Any Money Blocks So I Can Command Premium, Prices Without Feeling 'Guilty™
    • "YES! I Want To Dial In My 'Magnetic Messaging' To Attract The Right Clients,And Repel The Wrong Ones"
    • "YES! I'm Ready To Create My Own 'Godfather Offer' To Confidently Raise Your Prices AND Make Sales Easier"
    • ​YES! I Want To Use A Proven And Simple Paid Ads Strategy To Bring Dozens Of Leads Consistently And Predictably."
    • ​"YES! I'm Ready To Learn The 'Effortless Enrollment System' To Close $3k-$10k Sales, Even If I'm An Introvert"
    • ​"YES! I Want To Use The Same Email Strategy That Top Coaches And Consultants Use Every Day To Turn Leads Into Paying Clients"
    • ​"YES! I'm Ready To Use The Full Blueprint Of A 7-Figure Client Attraction System, And Not Be Confused Anymore With All The Moving Parts In A Funnel"
    • "YES! I'm ready to Remove Any Money Blocks So I Can Command Premium, Prices Without Feeling 'Guilty™
    • "YES! I Want To Dial In My 'Magnetic Messaging' To Attract The Right Clients,And Repel The Wrong Ones"
    • "YES! I'm Ready To Create My Own 'Godfather Offer' To Confidently Raise Your Prices AND Make Sales Easier"
    • ​YES! I Want To Use A Proven And Simple Paid Ads Strategy To Bring Dozens Of Leads Consistently And Predictably."
    • ​"YES! I'm Ready To Learn The 'Effortless Enrollment System' To Close $3k-$10k Sales, Even If I'm An Introvert"
    • ​"YES! I Want To Use The Same Email Strategy That Top Coaches And Consultants Use Every Day To Turn Leads Into Paying Clients"
    • ​"YES! I'm Ready To Use The Full Blueprint Of A 7-Figure Client Attraction System, And Not Be Confused Anymore With All The Moving Parts In A Funnel"
    Don't Take My Word For It, Here's What Our Clients Say:
    If you’ve been following me any amount of time, and seen our client success stories, you know those numbers aren’t farfetched and are beyond realistic!

    In fact, you don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about working with us.
    Kantis Simmons 
    Tara Reed
    Jasmine Womack
    Courtney Herring-Bowden
    J. Lopez
    Felicia Kelly 
    Here’s the deal: 

    I know some people have a hard time believing that you can just package up stuff that’s already inside your head and charge premium prices for it…

    Because most people take their own knowledge for granted. 

    So, I’m gonna put my money where my mouth is. 

    You can get registered for the exclusive Millionaire Expert Live event for FREE today!

    Just fill out the form below…

    Then AFTER the event – ONLY if you absolutely loved it…

    We’ll bill you for the $97 ticket. 


    If, after the event, you didn’t love it…

    If you say to me: 

    “Marquel, I just didn’t get any value out of that… it’s not for me. Don’t charge me!” 

    Then you won’t pay a single dime.

    Honestly, I can’t see that happening…

    But like I said…

    I want to put my money where my mouth is on this one, and give you as much value upfront as I can… 

    So that you can see the kind of opportunity you have in front of you this year. 

    If, on the other hand, you KNOW this event will be amazing…

    And you enjoy saving money?

    Then you can pay upfront and get the tickets for HALF of what you’d pay after. 

    The choice is yours:-) 

    This Is How It Works...

     Step #1 - Reserve Your Seat

    The first step is to put in your credit card right now to reserve your virtual seat to "The Millionaire Expert LIVE !"

     Step #2 - Attend The Conference

    Next, you (and your entire family!) attend the online virtual conference and create your PERSONAL ROADMAP to the "The Millionaire Expert LIVE!"

     Step #3 - Decide If It Was Worth It!

    At the end of the  LIVE conference, if you don’t feel transformed and armed with IMPLEMENTABLE knowledge that can push your business forward, then just email us at our private email address (that we'll reveal at the end of the conference), and you won't have to pay a penny!


    But if you're like most people, you will LOVE the experience! If so, then do NOTHING, and we'll bill you the $97 ticket price AFTER the conference is over! 

    Does that sound MORE than fair!?! Cool, then reserve your seat NOW, by filling out the form below:
    Step #1 - Let's Get Started - Pick Your Plan
    $0 Today
    $97 now
    Pay $0 Today
    Pay $0 Today
    48.50 Now
    Pay $0 Today
    Step #2 - Your Contact Information:
    Step #3 - Add Your Credit Card:
    Credit Card Number:
    CVC Code:
    Expiry Month:
    Expiry Year:


    ONE TIME OFFER: The fastest way to scale your business, create more profit, enjoy more freedom & have more impact is having a $3k-$10k+, highly leveraged offer in your business. Others have invested up to $10k for this training, you can get it now for only $37.

    Order Summary: 
    Item amount
    Dynamically Updated $XX.00
     By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
    P.S. – Just in case you’re like me and you skip to the end of these pages to see what this is all about… 

    Here’s the 411: 

    I want to invite you to spend the day with me, so I can show you how to take the knowledge and expertise that’s already inside your head…

    …and turn it into something that thousands, maybe even millions of people would be happy to pay PREMIUM prices for. 

    Then I want to show you how to find those people who are READY to buy from you RIGHT NOW!

    So that instead of SURVIVING on just one paycheck every month…

    You can start really ENJOYING your life and have your neighbors wondering what you do for a living!

    There’s a $325 billion opportunity online right now… 

    And our students are just slicing off their own piece of the pie. 

    Do you want to join them? 

    If so – TODAY – you can get registered for this exclusive ONE-DAY event for $0 down!
    Copyright 2022 - All Rights Reserved - CLIENT ATTRACTION UNIVERSITY™
    The testimonials, reviews, client results, and client earnings presented on Client Attraction University's websites and social media pages are those of previous or existing clients who purchased and used Client Attraction University's information, products, or services. All testimonials and reviews are voluntary, unpaid, and no clients were provided with free products, services, or any benefits in exchange for their testimonial or review. The testimonials and reviews are presented verbatim except for grammatical and typing corrections, edits for clarity, edits to remove extraneous information, and edits to fit an allotted amount of space. The client results and earnings presented in testimonials and reviews are not typical, they represent the unique experiences of specific clients, and they are not representative of all clients. The results achieved by any person who purchases products or services from Client Attraction University will vary based on several factors including an individual’s background, business experience, capacity, and work ethic. All business involves some unknown risks that can reduce the results any individual experiences. Client Attraction University does not guarantee that any individual will experience identical or similar results to that of any client depicted. Client Attraction University is not liable for the success or failure of your business whether in/directly related to the purchase of Client Attraction University information, products, or services.